Chronological Bible Story
Using one sheet of notes and The Glory Story Old Testament DVD a person with no bible understanding can teach the whole of the Old Testament in just 2 hours. In a similar manner the New Testament can be taught in just 1 hour. (Click CBS above for detail on Teacher Pack)
The Glory Story is now being used in over 50 countries. It is also being broadcast on TV in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Cyprus, Jordon, Kuwait & Yemen, in the Arabic and Farsi languages. A half hour programme is being aired daily, in this mini series you will complete this Bible survey in five days
Glory Story products are being translated into many languages the world over; by Wycliffe and other mission organisations it is our our vision to translate chronological Bible products into over 5,000 of the world’s 6,912 known languages.
Our amazing picture sets, ideal for Sunday Schools and outreach programmes
Glory Picture Gallery
All the stills (over 1000) & text to tell the whole of the Bible story from Genesis – Revelation. You can download the pictures and text. These great bible pictures are an ideal resource for Sunday schools, home schooling, educational institutions and of course the family.
To commission the artwork / bible illustrations on this website today, would cost in excess of $1,000,000. These however are available for you to download today for a nominal fee (some are even free)..
These images are for you to use in powerpoint presentations, they can be published on your website, put onto flashcards etc.
A licence is also available for missionaries, broadcasters and publishers. Before contacting us, please look at a license in the YOUR REVIEWS section